Sunday, August 21, 2011

a garden dinner

Thanks to the generosity of one of Drew's clients, we just enjoyed a dinner from the garden - even down to the wine. Drew came home carrying bags and bags of garden vegetables, fruits, homemade jams, jellies and even wine!

I cooked beautiful swiss/rainbow chard for the first time. Though I had to enlist the help of friends to figure out what the greens even were and how to cook them. I knew Bentley would love the pink stems. First I chopped them, stem and green, and sauteed them for about 10 minutes in garlic and olive oil. Then I served them with a little lemon juice (lemons from her garden) and shredded parmesan. While I sauteed the chard, I made pasta mixed with her homemade pesto (basil also from her garden), and then I tossed it with a little more olive oil. It was surprisingly divine.

We prayed, toasted with our Dry Rhubarb Wine (homemade with rhubarb from her garden) and savored the meal amidst a lovely bouquet of perfect dahlias (again, also from her garden).

Thank you to 1420 Grant Street for a stellar meal,
the Websters


Aunt Pammy said...

Wow, now that's my kind of meal!! Sounds wonderful! XO

samandpeteVDP said...

yum, lovin those dahlias in the background! What a sweet and thoughtful thank you!