Friday, August 20, 2010

better buy a shotgun for all those suitors, daddy


auntie Judy said...

OMG!!!That is too funny! Looks like she even might have the rump shaker walk!LOL (Charlie has some heelariouse heels) Those are funny too!
auntie Judy

allison said...

...especially if she's going out like that! What a perfect picture!

lindsaybrooke said...

ha ha totally Allison! Despite the lack of modesty in this photo, we find we talk to her about it quite often. "Put your dress down Bentley, let's be modest." ha.

samandpeteVDP said...

HA! This is hilarious!
what a great combo thought. A sensible lower heal in a bright color, and a pop of pattern in the handbag. This is good fashion 101. you might have a baby genius on your hands!

kathy said...

The feet are just perfectly positioned. Hilarious!