Tuesday, March 30, 2010

the potty is indeed exciting

One poo poo and five pee pees IN the potty today leave me feeling flabbergasted. I had so many thoughts in my head since Bentley was born about how potty training would go and this way was the furthest from my mind. God definitely exceeds expectations. While I don't want to get my hopes up, we set up a small potty borrowed from our friends Kathy and Alex (and their son Brady, who reminded me on the phone today that he now uses the big potty and Bentley can use his little potty), and Bentley sat for about 10 minutes this morning after breakfast on this potty. I got up for a moment to retrieve my phone when I heard it... the amazing sound of not only pee pee, but pee pee IN the potty.

Bentley had been skittish about the big potty, so I wasn't sure what she would think of this other potty, even though it was her size. I think there is something to say for having a potty where it gives the child the most opportunity to do it by themselves.

So when she went pee pee in the potty this morning, without incentive I freaked! (Trust me, we have an arsenal of cookies, I was prepared to hand her a bite if need be.) We wiped, put the diaper back on, snapped the onesie, pulled up her pants and we did a major "pee pee in the potty" dance. I realized, we needed to get some pull-ups and the onesies were going to have to leave her wardrobe.

Bentley and I went to good ole Half Price Books and found a potty book called "Once Upon A Potty". While we had been at the book store for a bit, though bouts of snacks and up and down off the chairs seemed to suffice for a little while, I knew I couldn't be picky, Bentley was done. So if you're looking for a recommended book, don't ask me, this book is the only one I have come across so far, the photos are anatomically correct (ha, think cartoon-ish) and there was one for boys and a different one for girls. The illustrations are cute and flowers collage the endsheets of the book. We also got a sheet of stickers and a package of pull-ups. Here we go into potty training! I even made up a song for her as we waited for the pee pee to come out. I forget it now, but it was good stuff.

So if pee pee in the potty for the first time wasn't enough, try two more times after that! Once after snacks and one other time when she went into the bathroom and sat down on the potty herself! She forgot to take her pull-up down, so I helped her and she held it and finished her pee pee in the potty. After this she still wanted to sit on the potty and seemed to want to go poo poo. So we sat there for awhile and I read her this new book. I was SUPER shocked to see her then go POO POO in the potty. not just a little, but a pile. ha! I can't help myself, I have to write about this! I am so excited. I don't care that I have already written five paragraphs about poo poo and pee pee and still have more to tell you!

After that we did a BIG pee pee and poo poo dance. And I threw her up in front of the mirror several times and we said "YAY" over and over. She is probably just as excited as I am.

We did one more potty time just before her nap today and sure enough, she went IN the potty again. Just a little, but hey, that makes 5 pee pees! I hope today wasn't a fluke, ha. I hardly know how to contain myself. We called Drew and left him a message to tell him and Bentley excitedly said "potty" into the phone. You go my girl.


Jennibee01 said...

Oh my gosh--the first time I saw Abby go potty was a thrill! I can totally relate to your dancing and celebration. I was able to buy little underwear for Abby for her birthday a couple weeks ago, and just when you think Bentley isn't cute enough, you just wait until she get's those big girl panties on! You will be in heaven! Off to go meet Madison, Angie is getting induced in an hour!!! Love ya guys!

allison said...

That is exciting! Way to go, Bentley!

kathy said...

Yahoo! You go Bentley! And go, and go. :)

Drew Webster said...

Go Beebs!

auntie Judy said...

How cute it's funny how we get excited about these funny little milestones in our childrens life! Matthew recognized the book and said, "we have that book"! Can't wait to send big girl pannies! LOL