Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Top Ten Reasons I have been Blogger MIA

As you read the following reasons, see if you can guess the Number 1 Reason.

Reason #10:
I just want to sleep

Reason #9:
I shot four weddings and three portrait shoots in the last two weeks.

Reason #8:
Just opening the fridge or pantry door makes me dry-heave.

Reason #7:
All I want to eat or drink are chai tea frappucinos, watermelon, french fries and peanut butter pancakes (I had 7 just today already).

Reason #6:
Tricycles, sidewalk chalk-art, the Madeline book, bowls and spoons as drums and drumsticks have been taking up more of my time.

Reason #5:
I cannot watch meat cooking, nor eat it, nor even think about it. (Just typing this makes me reach for the garbage can.)

Reason #4:
I just want more watermelon

Reason #3:
Every slightly tender or sad moment either fiction or non-fiction deserves my entire stash of saltwater from my tear ducts.

Reason #2:
My husband is the most patient and caring man despite my lack of doing laundry or even rinsing out a dish.

and Badadada.... the Number One Reason is....


Here is a photo of our little kumquat taken at almost 10 weeks. I will be 12 weeks this Thursday. (For those that are not familiar with ultrasounds, his/her head is on the right with chin tucked down and the thing sticking up on the left is not a foot, but the umbilical cord)

He/She kept waving their little hand at us through the ultrasound. It was spectacular and reminded me of why I felt so nauseated and awful these last several weeks. But oh so worth it!


allison said...

LINDSAY!!!! I love this post! (It doesn't hurt that I can identify with all 10 reasons. PLEASE don't make me look at, or smell, or taste beef right now....) Congratulations to you, all 4!!! What a blessing this little one will be to all 3 of you! Can't wait to hear more....

Melissa James said...

So glad to see the ultrasound pic at last, and congratulations again! That 20-week mark better come soon, cuz I wanna know what this baby is! I'm sure you are glowing as always... at least between bathroom visits!

lauren carroll said...

oh WOW! what a surprise, for me at least!

auntie Judy said...

I too can relate to your top ten reasons and it is very worth it! Maddy is so excited and hopes the baby does come on her birthday. That would be the most wonderful birthday gift for our whole family. Can't wait to meet the new addition! We love you all