Friday, May 7, 2010

The 7-minute Monologue

I'd like to say this was a conversation, but alas, no, I simply was on the audience end of a full-blown Bentley Brooke monologue. I took a break from getting our home ready to host our weekly missional community meeting and set up the camera on the edge of our kitchen counter and hit, record. And then just watched. And tried not to giggle to overpower the precious dialogue in front of me.

At a few points, the video gets blurry (keep listening, the actress goes on!).

See if you can find these several gems that occur throughout:
1 - Counting to ten
2 - The monologue continues despite falling
3 - the whisper monologue in front of the mirror
4 - The two times she goes "Nigh-Night" and pretends to snore.
5 - Her little scream when the purse won't fit fully up her arm
6 - Just before she climbs up on the chair to look out the window, she signs bird and says "birdie" in the midst of her monologue, I believe to inform me she is going to see the birds out the window.
7 - Her many animated moments with her hands that turn into adamant pointing.
8 - When she grabs her 'purse' and walks towards the door, she says "Bye, See You, Bye". This salutation is from Drew.
9 - Her 'pose' against the couch
10 - Near the end, I tell her "I love you" and she responds with "lah loo"
11 - There may be several more - enjoy this theatrical piece.

p.s. double-click the video to watch it in You Tube - it shows the whole screen.


kathy said...

This was our lunch time entertainment. Kellen can't get enough of Bentley! That video is pure awesomeness, just like your kiddo!

Tracy said...

oh my goodness! i can't believe she's so close in age to jack, he doesn't speak nearly that well. he's too busy climbing, crashing and destroying :)

Emily said...

LOVE it- thank you for sharing such hilarious cuteness :)

Lindsey said...

Love it! The OT in me says "what a great imagination and emotional development she is displaying!" I can't wait to babysit someday...