Monday, December 21, 2009

Bentley's Music Video

I created a montage-to-date of all of Bentley's dance moves. Unfortunately, I have not always been able to capture the truly greatest ones (though her "happy bath dance" is one of the greatest). Regardless, enjoy the compilation of her skills :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

first 'snow'

The first few flurries of snow fell yesterday and I moved Bentley's high chair right in front of the window so she could watch the snow while she ate "puh-cakes" She was giggling as I exclaimed "Snow!" several times. She then repeated and pointed 's-NO!' After breakfast, we had to go outside to enjoy it. We bundled up and walked up and down the street to see the christmas lights on too. (Most of our neighbors are like us and just leave the lights on all day - I forget to turn them off.) She enjoyed her little stroll and didn't want to hold my hand most of the time. Lil' Miss Independent. But when our neighbor Cameron showed up, she was happy to hold both of our hands. Enjoy the photos of our snow stroll and a few from today.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

a Bentley photo shoot

Enjoy the beautiful babe... and if you like, here is a link to a few other photos I took yesterday of Bentley - in our bathroom. Since Drew remodeled it, it is very luminous in there and perfect for a photo shoot! I couldn't resist. And then there are a few pics of Bentley coloring. enjoy! just click here for the album :)

Bentley was signing "sleep" here about the cat curled up in our flowerbed.

Friday, November 27, 2009

photos with mommy

It is rare when I get a good photo of Bentley and me. So here are a few taken by my lovely husband and Bentley's dada, Drew.

I crave and savor these rare Bentley hugs.

Bentley Live from University Place

Bentley and her rocking chair at Grandma Diane's home. I remember loving this rocking chair as a kiddo. At one point she does an Evil Knevil surfing move on it.

Bentley often thinks that the remote control is also a telephone.

a talking little munchkin

I was told many times that once Bentley started saying words, it would just start flowing. People weren't kidding! I decided to compile a list of words that Bentley is now saying. These words she has said several times. She will repeat other words now as we say them (just yesterday she said "purple" pur-peh)

bye (with a southern flare)
uh oh
pancake (puh-cake)
up down
(she does this when the 'up down' part comes on on her "Wheels on the Bus" song.
(comes out more like "butt")
all done
(She hardly signs "all done" anymore but now says it instead)
(and she says this as though it is very dangerous -sort of like a drawn-out whisper and shakes her hands and scrunches her face, then she proceeds to blow on her food or whatever it is that is "hot")

It is pure joy to listen and watch her interact with us and others in this new way of communication. She still likes to sign with me and often brings me some bird-like creature (from a rooster to a penguin) walks it up to me, and signs bird with her index finger and thumb so delicately touching together and apart next to her mouth. These learning moments are precious to me as I am amazed at how she can distinguish birds from other creatures. She will even sign bird when she sees a flamingo in her book - this is all without my prompting. I delight in her excitement at hearing or seeing an airplane to which she enthusiastically signs airplane.

Two days ago she was doing something naughty (I don't remember what now), but I told her no and she kicked her legs a bit as I picked her up away from what she wasn't supposed to be getting into. She then, almost mid-tantrum, leaned up to kiss me. I started smiling inside because I realized that when she does get in trouble, we talk about it (briefly) and then give each other hugs and/or kisses. I think she went straight for the kiss so she could get down and play again. ha.

And this little Bentley Brooke tidbit from Grandma Diane:
"A few days ago, Grandma Diane was babysitting Bentley at her home. Around 5 pm, Bentley handed her a folded-up cloth. It was Bentley’s old bib from lunch that she had retrieved from the dirty clothes basket and she was letting Grandma know she was ready for dinner. How smart was that??!!"

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ni-Night Baby

Just a moment ago Bentley walked up to me and signed "Tired" or "Night Night" as we call it. I asked her if she needed a nap, and instead she pointed to her baby doll which she had laid on the ground. I was cracking up. So we got a blanket for her baby and laid it over her.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hysterical Fruit Flies

I was feeding Bentley lunch and there were a couple of fruit flies flying around her food. So I began smacking my hands together to get them (which I did) Bentley thought it was hysterical, so I got out the video camera and pretended to catch fruit flies.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Bentley's "Baby" Dedication

We finally publicly dedicated Bentley to the Lord yesterday at our church gathering. We dedicate Bentley as opposed to baptizing her because we, as parents, are making a covenant to the Lord and our church community that we will raise Bentley to know Christ. (Ephesians 6:1-4 "...Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord" Deuteronomy 6: 1-9 ("...These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them upon your children..." Proverbs 22:6 "Train your child in the way they should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it.") Our church body also makes that covenant as well, saying they will help in teaching and raising Bentley to know Christ. We know that by dedicating her it does not guarantee her salvation. Our deep prayer (practically every night) and hope is that God will do a work in her heart and she will choose to follow him and submit her life to him. It is at that time that we pray she might choose to get baptized making her own public profession of her faith and desire to follow Christ.

I recommend you watch this video twice. The first time, just watch Bentley, you won't be able to not pay attention to her anyway, ha! The second time, listen to our elder, Jeff, as he prays over Bentley and as Drew and I covenant before God and our church community to raise her to know Jesus. enjoy! :)

If you are interested in looking at more scripture related to dedicating to the Lord, Exodus 13:11-15, Leviticus 27 :)

First Ferry Ride

Bentley and I went to her Great Aunt Pam's home in Port Orchard last Monday and walked on the Southworth Ferry right by her home and rode it to Fontleroy (West Seattle) and then to Vashon and then back to Southworth. Bentley LOVED the ferry. She liked being able to walk around the (secure - don't worry) deck. And she felt like a big girl when I let her push her own stroller all through the ferry cabin.

Friday, August 21, 2009


So, now that Bentley is a bit older, I am starting to hear from people that she looks like me. My mom sent me a few shots of myself as a baby, so I thought I would post one of me and one of Bentley on here - decide for yourself! (I still think she has Drew's eyes, even if they are blue :)

Lindsay Brooke

Bentley Brooke

I am 1-year-old!

I can't believe I just typed "I am 1-year-old!" is she really? holy nuts. Drew's and my friend, Cindy Hickly (who was also our wedding photographer) took a few photos of Bentley for her 1-year portraits. It is nice to not be the only photographer sometimes! You can view the entire album here: Bentley Brooke and then if you want to download any of the images to your own computer to print out, follow these steps:

1) Click on the photo you want
2) Click on the small button above the photo that says "All Sizes"
3) Select "Download Original"
4) Choose where on your computer you want to save the image
5) Voila! :)


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

These Boots were Made for Walkin'...

She is not wearing boots, actually she is not even wearing shoes, but she is walking! Just after we took this video, we were playing upstairs and several times walked from one end of the room to the other!

Monday, August 3, 2009

little miss smartypants

I showed Bentley just once today how to get down from her new little chair. She wanted up several times and each time got down by herself just fine! It was so amazing I had to capture it on video when she showed daddy her new skill for the first time. She likes to sit at her table and "read" a book or play with her pop up toy.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Birthday Girl

Bentley celebrated her first birthday this last Saturday (even though her actual birthday is this Wednesday, August 5th.) We had a small brunch party with our family recipe of "Christmas Casserole", homemade blueberry scones, fresh fruit and birthday cake! I didn't get photos of the birthday cake, but if you watch the video you can see the result of my endeavors :) I used blueberries to make a little "B" on her cake. For the other cake for the adults, I used teal M&Ms to make a "B," complete with serifs and all!

She received the nicest gifts from our family and friends, from a stroller and baby to her very own grocery cart that even makes sounds when you put items in the basket, to a Bentley-size table and chairs (that daddy put together Friday night, and mommy put together the baby doll stroller and grocery cart!). She even got a power wheels! I always wanted one of those when I was a kid. She got a popper, and collectible Madame Alexander doll with a little kangaroo (a stuffed animal kangaroo was also my very first baby gift when I was little). She received some floating rubber duckies that were a hit that night in the bathtub and a little watermelon outfit that she wore to our church picnic today. (I washed it this morning so she could wear it again today!) and some little size 5 light up shoes that Bentley spent awhile trying to figure out how they worked.

Bentley and her presents

Bentley already trying out her baby doll and stroller wearing her new watermelon outfit.

She enjoyed a little dance with Simon, our friends Vanessa and Chris' son. I also made a video of Bentley's first year of life which his too long for you tube. I got all teary eyed watching the early clips showing one of me pregnant and then of her as a newborn and on up. Precious. I will let the photos and other videos of her day speak for themselves.

"Why is everyone singing about a candle. And why are you walking that flame near me."

"Mom you are bizzare."

The only people missing from this photo are Adrianne and Ryan (who are just to the right of Josh, oh and me, since I am taking the picture. :)

This is my favorite photo. It perfectly captures Bentley Brooke's spirited self.

"The Experience Cake Project"

I just can't believe my baby girl is one year old. People constantly told me it would go by fast. So fast that I haven't even been able to finish her first year baby book yet! I am so grateful to God that he blessed up with such a giggly, happy, inquisitive, darling daughter. And that we get to steward her little life for Him. Amazing.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What happens when daddy stays home to "babysit"...

After coming back from being out for a few hours, I walked into our home to find Bentley with a mohawk enjoying a pool party in the sink courtesy of daddy. Drew, wanting to document this historical experience captured it all on video for your enjoyment (I edited it slightly for length.)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Foley Family Reunion

We spent Saturday with Drew's mom's side of the family, the Foleys. It is the first time in about 10 years since they have all been together. I took family photos of everyone as well as one big 'historical' group photo! Drew's Aunt Pat got Bentley and her little cousin Emme birthday cakes since they are about to celebrate their first birthday's just a week apart. Bentley wasn't too sure about the cake, but finally got into it. Emme clapped while everyone sang, but Bentley looked at them bewildered. To see all of the photos, click here: Foley Family Reunion.

Friday, July 24, 2009

First Steps, Pesto and Leavenworth Weddings

Bentley took her first steps this last weekend when she was with her grandparents (Grandma Kelly and Grandpa Cliff) and Drew and I were in Leavenworth so I could shoot a wedding. (I started uploading shots of the wedding, feel free to check them out here: David & Marie Wedding ) When Drew and I went to pick her up from their home, she even demonstrated her new skills in front of us by taking a few steps between us! It has been very exciting. She is also starting to practice standing up from sitting and crawling. It is amazing to watch.

While Bentley was taking her first steps, here are a few photos of Drew and me, and our friends, Sam and Pete in Leavenworth this last weekend. (Sam helped shoot the wedding with me and did a phenomenal job!)

After shooting the wedding, we had to take our own jumping shot.

The creepy mural of kids across the parking lot from our hotel.

ah, the infamous hat shop and Drew's uniform for his part time job at 'Burger World'

Just the other day I gave Bentley some toast with pesto spread, and she loved it. Her face says it all.

Friday, July 10, 2009

a true Webster...

When Drew and I first met, he informed me that his family said I had two flaws, one, that I don't like beer and two, like I don't like pickles. Drew's dad, Cliff, along with friends have an annual pickle party ("Dillapalooza"). While I don't like pickles, on a whim today I thought I would see if Bentley liked her Grandpa Cliff's Pickles. I cut a few into small pieces, which she quickly devoured, so I decided to just give her a whole pickle.