Wednesday, September 22, 2010

first day of preschool

Our morning conversation:

"Bentley, would you like to wear a dress or jeans to your first day of school today?"
"Which dress?"
"that one. no, that one."

When we stepped out of the car at the preschool and Bentley donned her backpack, she said, "I excited!"

First day of preschool pose complete with signature cheese face.

With her apple for Teacher Anna.

Bentley's nametag has a butterfly. The kids get "name signs" that help them identify where their cubbies and nametags are, etc. She found her cubby fairly quickly and stowed away her backpack and sweater at the beginning of class.

Bentley didn't want to wear the art smock at first. I called it her "Art Dress." I think that helped.

Inspecting animal puppets with Teacher Anna.

The cornmeal bin. "I dump it."

Bentley carefully selecting her next color with concentration tongue out in full force.

After exploring time (playing, arts, etc.), it was circle time and Teacher Anna read a story and then illustrated and sang a song using a quintessential preschool felt board.

**Note, it looks like she is the only kid in class. I just carefully selected photos without the other kids for privacy reasons.


samandpeteVDP said...

Love this! SHe is so cute. I love that she brought a apple to her teacher. Classic! What preschool is she at???
Love to all 4 Websters!

auntie judy said...

Can't believe she's already started pre-school! Very cute I wish I had twenty students like Miss Bentley in my classroom!
Love you guys

lauren carroll said...

i adore this post!