Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bathtime Babies

Our bathtime babies.  Bentley loves that Emery can take baths with her now.

Emery was done with her bath here, and then... she had an accident.  So... she got to go in again. This time she got to enjoy bubbles like big sister.


samandpeteVDP said...

Well who doesn't love playing Barbies with a friend in the bath?!?! I know I do!

marcalicious said...

not to sound creepy, but i {love} bath pictures of lil' babes & kidlets. so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

love to eat the girl out and fuck that sexy little pussy

Anonymous said...

Her little toddler pussy makes me hard. She would feel like a real girl with me, I would suck her clit and then I would put my white pennis inside her vagina

Anonymous said...

httpsn:// remove the n #teenleaknude

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

love to fuck her pussy deep in front of everyone at the park

Anonymous said...

To everyone here who made sexual comments about the little girls all I have to say to you all and anybody else who reads this is hell yeah there is nothing wrong with looking up pictures of little kids taking a bath there's nothing wrong was wanting to have sex with little kids whether their newborns or till they hit puberty I give you hands up for having the balls for stating what you would like to do to the little girl there is nothing wrong with you the ones who think that this is wrong there is something mentally wrong with you but there is nothing like looking at kids and wanted to have sex with them are having a really cute little one wanting to play sexually me myself with the two little girls in the picture I would love to play with them stayed with them sleep with them eat with them and have sex with them

Anonymous said...

I agree. Everyone has a sexual preference. LBGQT or what have you. Many of us are attracted sexually to little girls. My age of attraction is 2 to 8. As an adult male I have to interest in adult women. (Or any adult, I just like little girls)

Anonymous said...

I would make them watch me masturbate for a while before I rub my penis on their little cute faces

Anonymous said...

i want to see them piss in the bathwater and make it yellow, then i would go in it and make it more yellow

Anonymous said...

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