Two of the stipulations of sleeping in her big girl bed is one, big girls don't need binkys (so no binky) and two, if you don't stay in bed, then you have to go back in your crib. The bed seemed like quite the incentive since she even got to pick out her own sheets! (She chose Hello Kitty). And after seeing her uber excited reaction once Drew and I got the bed all dressed up, I knew she couldn't wait to sleep in it tonight.

Even though Bentley won't be 2-years-old until Thursday, we were going to let her sleep in her big girl bed tonight, however, the evening was so full of meltdowns, that she ended up in her crib with bobby and binky. It wasn't because she wouldn't stay in bed, and it wasn't because she refused to sleep without her binky, it was because out of nowhere, suddenly she became scared of the vacuum cleaner and meltdowns ensued. Now, this is super not normal considering Bentley helps me vacuum ALL the time, pushing her little popper back and forth across the floor. This meltdown fueled other meltdowns, where suddenly everything deserved a full hard cry with no understanding of what was going on. We tried to comfort her, but instead it just solidified our conclusion that our big baby girl was tired. After singing a couple songs and having bobby and binky, Bentley was definitely providing evidence that confirmed all the more our belief that she was super tired. Into the crib she went and we will try again tomorrow :)
wow, i've never had a bed that beautiful! how exciting!
I have mixed emotions about the fact that Bentley is old enough for a big girl bed, as I'm sure you do too!
1.) the bed is {beautiful}
2.) the lighting in your pix looks {amazing}
3.) i had a binky til i was like 4.75 years old. and my teeth turned out totally fine. ;)
4.) i am glad you kept that {cute} pillow.
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