My favorite moments are our daily dance parties. Mommy sways me to the music in front of the music box [radio] and I stare and stare at it while I kick my legs and flail my arms extended like an airplane. I especially like the Beatles and got really excited when the Beatles, "Sgt. Pepper" came on.
On my exersaucer, I can stand up, kick my legs and play with these little bears that look like gummy bears that go up and down a pole. Then I look down for a moment and can't look away! Mommy got a little worried the first time when I stood there with my head down for awhile. She then realized I was looking at my reflection in the mirror on my exersaucer.
Mommy and Daddy have introduced me to a lot of their friends. I like to stare them down, amiably of course, but I usually win. I like people, especially faces. They like it when I smile. I do it a lot. Really big too, and then I get shy and nestle into mommy or daddy.
oh my gosh too cute! I can't wait to squeeze those cheecks...xoxoxo
she's a heartbreaker!
Uh, such cute pictures. I've decided we need to live together again, if only for the reason that we need you as the Macheras family photographer. :)
She is just so cute! I'm so glad that you're home today so that I can see her (& you!) soon! Love you guys!
i loved how you used her perspective. so cute!
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